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tv   ABC2 News The Latest at 11  ABC  October 11, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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. it's 11:00 p.m., do you know where your children are? >> now, abc 2news at 11. >> i couldn't believe it. an interview with the 14-year- old forced to grow up in a hurry. how his life changed and what he is using to cope. >> tax proposals changing by the newscast. at six it was a hike in cigarettes and now it's all about something else we all use. >> abc2 works for you. you will hear from expert who will say why we should be careful the next time we swipe. the news starts right now. >> and we start with a fast moving fire that left two boys and their mother dead. their older brother lived and tonight is talking to abc 2news. the fire started september the 22nd in southwest baltimore. > the woman and her two sons were killed. the older brother wasn't home. we spoke to him tonight.
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>> reporter: and marquis has been through more than any 14- year-old should have to deal with. the loss of his mother and two brothers. he said is he doing it by focusing on football. the memories are fresh in his mind, just two and a half weeks ago marquis was shaken out of bed by his grandfather. he was sleeping her while his mother was in the process of moving her family. >> my grandfather woke me up, told me there was a fire. i don't know they were gone until i went to the house. >> reporter: the house in the 600 block of south polaski gutted soon he did find out they were gone. his mother, along with his younger brothers. >> we -- playing football, we always ran around and stuff. >> reporter: all three played football for the youth football association. we caught up with marquis just
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before he left his grandfather's home for practice. its been a difficult two and a half weeks but talking about his brothers still brings a smile to his face. >> they were good. [inaudible] >> reporter: he has thoughts about what might have happened if he had been at the home that night. >> i feel i could have saved them. >> reporter: or he could have been killed along with them but for whatever reason he is still here, still playing football, and still thinking about what he has lost. >> i try, i try to think of football and -- everything i do is for them. >> reporter: like a lot in the town his favorite player is ed reed. firefighters haven't determined what cause the fire. marquis's grandfather thanked everybody who has supported his family including the youth football association. he asked us to publicize the
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better. you can find it on the website. >> we will get him hooked up with ed reed movement new tonight if you are a high school senior in baltimore you have spent every day of your educating life under this man, dr. hairston and tonight it's official. baltimore is now in the national search for the next superintendent of schools, a panel was appointed and you will have a say. . there is a little difference of opinion. did the board decide not to offer him a contract or was it his decision to call it quits? >> i'm their -- that's not an issue we were dealing with. i think we have a very good relationship. the board is very supportive of him. >> we heard words of praise but this speaker here also charged that state and county politicians stripped hairston of some of his power, he will
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talk more about his decision up on friday. bge needs to make up $81 million it spent replacing wires, power lines and cutting trees after irene. tonight they held a second meeting, a chance for the public to say what bge did right and wrong after the storm. aarp made a big showing, letting seniors air their frustrations. >> the thing that frustrated us the most is we could not get any information. i can't understand why in this era of high technology they can't find a way to tell you approximately when you are going to get your power back. >> if bge decides to pass hurricane clean up costs onto customers it won't happen until next summer. before a rate hike happens it has to be approved by the public service commission. >> weather wise things getting more damp out there. have you to say very, very
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light rain, checking out the radar, light showers eastern shore, just almost just drizzle here, south and west of the baltimore area down into dc. there is more significant rain to the south. south and west, see a lot of rain moving up through west virginia and the central part of virginia, all of this will be drifting in our direction over the next eight to 12 hours, by tomorrow we will look for more rain. it's still a warm evening. tomorrow will be a cooler day, rain cooling through the afternoon, mid60s to upper 60s and the rain will keep going. we are will talk about how long it lasts and look at the weekend coming up. >> remember royal furniture in you find these kinds of parts in expensive stores but customs agents say they are a acevesl for i illegal drugs, they were found in a courier on board a
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plane. agents xrayed the posts and saw something was wrong. the street value for the find, about $17,000. >> a tsa agent is on bail and facing child porn charges. charging documents show police traced a computer file that showed a preteen girl having sex with an adult back to wilson's computer. during questioning he said he was down loading and watching child porn for some time, something he couldn't control. he lives on red wing drive in perry hall and his neighbors say a lot of kids live near his home. >> i don't think it should have waited that long and people still don't know. it makes me want to printout flyers and put them on people's doors. >> the fact the tsa is investigating doesn't reflect on other employees. >> the state dot said it needs
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more money to pay for projects, a commission met today to try to come up with ideas for raising revenue. one option, how about this? a 15-cent gas tax increase spread out over three years and once put in its thought that move would raise about five million dollars a year. also talk of raising vehicle registration costs by 15% and doubling emission testing fees. the panel will meet again later this month to finalize recommendations. >> and three years ago the state added a dollar tax to every pack of cigarettes. now the healthy maryland initiative wants to do it again. they say it'll save lives and help raise money for health care for those without insurance. some say the force of their addiction is strong enough they will dig deeper if they have to. >> cigarette smoking one of
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the hardest addictions that i went through. [inaudible] i will pick up a cigarette. >> the initiative is asking lawmakers to take the proposal just one step further and increase taxes on all tobacco products. >> we have the details for next year's grande prix. accord the runner of the race it'll happen again on labor day weekend. that's what the city hoped for. it was held on labor day this year and it was a big success. they said baltimore had one of the largest and most excited crowds. . the financial impact study of this year's race has been delayed so we don't know how much money it really brought in. >> sometimes a great situation involving a child brings out the best in people and really
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rallies the community. that is what katelyn is doing right now. she was found to have a rare form of cancer, about four months ago. cheryl connor visited with them and joins you now with the story about how hundreds have signed up to help. . >> reporter: they have. the cancer is very rare, only one in a million children have it. beyond the family doctors and nurses, by her side, the ensure community will walk and run to raise money for this little girl. the hallway at the hospital has become like home for katelyn and her mom. the doctors and nurses are family trying to add a light heart to a tough situation. >> getting -- all right. >> reporter: she should spend her days in preschool, instead she focusing beyond the average owie but she gets those it.
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you fell? >> i yeah, i when i was running. >> reporter: they may not heal as quickly. she has a rare disease, often seen in teens. her mom who is a nurse found a dime sized lump around her spine. the warning signs are different for everybody. >> it takes just a lot of persistence on the part of the doctors and the parents to continue to report the symptoms until scans or other study dear sir be done to eventually lead to what it is. >> no transfusions today. >> reporter: she is good about understanding this adult like conversation. >> when my medicine is -- those will stop. >> reporter: she has had six rounds of chemo but has 11 to go. this is before she got sick. today we saw her smiling side, but the treatments create many
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sick days which is the most pain. timeme for her family. >> obviously i would go through it in a heartbeat for her. >> reporter: the youngest in this family is carrying the biggest burden. this weekend the community will run and walk for this shining smile. >> for some reason children help bring out the best in a lot of people and really touch people and really we have seen that with her. >> reporter: she is a special girl. friends of her family have organized a run and walk on saturday. it starts at nine and all proceeds go to help katelyn's -- help with her medical care. we have a link on the website, information on how to register. just two weeks katelyn will have surgery to remove the tumor that is near her spine. cheryl connor. >> we are going to run.
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my family will. >> washington is saying that iran was behind the plot to kill a saudi ambassador. we will tell you how the cia broke up the assassination and why iran is saying the united states is making it up. >> have you looked at the mall lately? it's changing. we will tell you what four new stores will be opening up by in november. >> you swipe your credit card to buy $40 so how do you loose 400? how not to get skimmed. we will 60 seconds away.
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. millions of dollars, drug cartels and a murder at a washington restaurant. this isn't a plot for a movie. this was an asass nation plot. the united states is a caution iran of backing a plot. information that two men tied to the iranian government wanted to take out the saudi
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ambassador. hillary clinton hopes countries who have hesitated to get tough with iran will now go the extra mile. >> send a very strong message that this kind of action which violates international norms, must be ended. >> one of the two men charge is a united states citizen arrested last month. he appeared in court today. iran said the united states is making it up. >> crews spent hours today searching i well at an abandoned home in kansas looking for lisa irwin. they have asked for copies of interviews done with her family. some are speculating they are looking at one the parents and could be looking for inconsistent statements. lisa's aunt said there is no way her sister had anything to do with it and is a accusing the police of singling her out. >> it's a ridiculous idea.
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we aren't offended because it's so far from realityw. he are under pressure to find a child, not to pin this on anybody or wrap it up. >> now at this point neither parent has been named a suspect but lisa's mother has said that investigators told her she did fail a lie detector test. >> every time you blink the mall is changing. while construction of the casino continues have you noticed another new look? we have two new stores, a shoe store and diamonds. then next month talbet's and then andrews market and just opened a skateboarding store along with a buffalo wild wings that opened next door to the movie theater. we are looking at over 100 jobs created since july. we have a very, very sustain warning for you tonight. no matter where you shop if you are using plastic. financial experts and government agents say atm
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skimming on the rise. the gear is more high end than we have seen and the latest stat is going to shock you. >> that's right. asking security experts for details on how to protect yourself. >> reporter: maurie using their debit cards for everything. >> he went to get gas and the card was denied. we were surprised . >> reporter: more than $400 was swiped. >> our account was at zero. we didn't know how to pay the bills. >> reporter: her bank believes she was a victim of skimming. it happens when someone steals your debit or credit card's strip data. it can happen during routine atm transactions, false card readers and hidden wireless cameras are used by robbers to swipe your bank account information and pin numbers. >> down load that information and they will have it and will go create a fake card.
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>> reporter: or they will sell the information online. curt is with the electronic funds transfer association and said theft from atm skimming now tops one billion dollars a year. according to the united states secret service the number of attacks is on the rise. one reason why, he said today's skimming devices like this fake card reader are increasingly high end. >> well done crime something that looks just -- that looks just like that which you would normally use when you swipe your card. >> reporter: some are so hidden they can be attached to the outside of the atm or even a gasoline pump. >> we didn't notice anything that was suspicious. >> reporter: consumers aren't held liable for fake losses but it's important to play detective. inspect the atm. check the card reader to see
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that it's secure. >> look for anything unusual, anything that's not normal, tape sticking out of the portion of the atm or the pin pad or tape residue or glue residue. >> reporter: then look around the atm, scan the ceiling and any racks. >> wireless cameras installed above the atm, inside or in the ceiling. >> reporter: cup your hand over the key pad to put in the pin number. >> protects you against people behind you and obviously against what the skimming bad guys capture on the video cameras. . >> reporter: if you are skimmed file i fraud report with the bank right away. that's what laury did. her money was returned. >> we check the statement all the time. someone could skim us again. >> reporter: this is such a serious situation the
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electronic funds transfer association started a task force to help fight the problem. they are working with the secret service. many financial institutions are starting to buy anti swimming devices. >> now, maryland's most powerful doppler radar and the forecast certified most accurate by weather rate. >> not a bad night but there have been a few spotty showers across the city and across the state. there is much more rain to the south and we think that's due in tomorrow. 66 right now as we give you that view of the city. winds east -- try not to get dizzy. the radar, you can see just a couple showers down here right now. western kent county. little bit of rain here and we will take you further west. more steady light rain, still relatively light west of elders bug, southern carroll, most of the rain still holding off today. clouds were -- pretty thick but minimal rain chances as we went
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toward sunset tonight. just a little bit of sprinkle its on the wind shield was about it. right now temperatures down in the mid60s. tomorrow this will be the high i think. tough to get to 70 tomorrow. that will be quite a change, you think back from yesterday up in the mid80s. highs today -- toward cambridge. we hit the mid-70s. subtract about eight, ten degrees, 68 in -- leading edge, of west virginia, getting the heavy dousing now and down through the central part of virginia. odu getting a soaking right now. maryland itself is getting limited rain out of this. we just have had the clouds streaming in. a large -- a large storm that
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reaches town from atlanta and the upper reaches of -- it'll bring in the rain on and off through the day tomorrow. we will get rain, still from this thing on thursday on the back side of it and we finally should start to clear out by midday or hopefully midmorning friday. weekend looking good right now but in the meantime showers on and off tonight. rain hangs around thursday. could be persistent thursday. i do think -- thursday night and early friday. overcast, rain develops here, 66 -- tomorrow night down to 58 with the scattered showers, they should taper off a bit late in the evening. they will still be around nurse, rain continuing, little warmer, the weekend looks dry
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and breezy. >> the 23rd. >> in less than two weeks you can make a difference. partnering to race for a cure. join us in hunt valley, sunday october 23rd, we will be live from seven to nine. a ak run and a one mile walk and you can still get in on the fun because it's not to late to register. just go to the website or head to komen maryland for more information. >> ahead thank williams junior talking about his comments comparing the president to hitler. >> first a look at night line. >> coming up, the tale of a 7th grade nose job. and the true story of contagion . that's coming up on
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night lane after the news at 11. i am a face unclogger.uncl.
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i am a nose coach. nose coa. i am a throat untickler.t u. i am a human cough suppressant.. and i am the sniffles worst nightmare.nightmare. i am a target pharmacist. ask me about cold and flu remedies..
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. thank williams junior went on the view to explain himself. it was his comment comparing the president to hitler. wearing a yankee jersey he came on the set with a dictionary to look up the word analogy. the women wanted to know if he meant what he said. >> do you wish you had used something different? >> you know what? at this point i really don't. at this point i don't. >> you don't -- you are happy you that called him hitler. >> i'm not calling --.
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it's an analogy. >> he said it was his decision to say good-bye to espn saying we are all in trouble trying to protect our freedom of speech. >> there you go. >> all right. guys recap that forecast for tomorrow. chance for rain through the day and especially i think in the afternoon and evening. look at that air temperature, 66. a cooler forecast tomorrow. keep that in mind as you dress up in the morning. well, i had to give up a bunch of features in order to stay within my price range, but at least i can say i got a new car. you got that satellite radio didn't you? i got something almost as good. hit it, warren! what-what- what- what-
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. all right. china phillips kicked off dancing the stars.
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>> china is the daughter of michelle phillips --. >> thank you very much. >> you liked her? >> i did. ill thought she would make it further. >> credit people voting for you keeps you on the shows. >> voters have the power. >> all right. >> have a good night. >> we will see you.
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